Saturday, July 10, 2010

Summer Reading

I'm too scared of failing to formally join in our local library's summer reading challenge. With all the academic books I have to read, reading eight books for pleasure seems like a lot in two months. Still, I'm secretly attempting the challenge, and here's where I am so far:

Already read:
1. Nocturnes: Five Stories of Music and Nightfall by Kazuo Ishiguro
2. How to Knit a Love Song by Rachael Herron
3. Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson

In the middle of:
4. Willful Creatures (short stories) by Aimee Bender
5. Traveling with Pomegranates: A Mother-Daughter Story by Sue Monk Kidd and Ann Kidd Taylor (I am seriously considering sending this one back to the library unfinished.)

Any suggestions for books 6-8? I'm trying to stick to fiction, but I'm open to other genres.


Good Enough Woman said...

Our book group has decided to have a battle of the Brontes. Last night, we decided that since most of us are very familiar with either Jane Eyre or Wuthering Heights, that at our next meeting, we do a comp/contrast analysis. So, before the meeting, we all need to read whichever book we haven't read or don't know well. So I have to read Wuthering Heights. Have you read it? If not, you could put it on your list. . .

Amstr said...

I read it when I was about 13. I remember liking it a lot (but I was 13, so I'm not sure what that says; I also read a lot of Sweet Valley High). I think I only got halfway through Jane Eyre in Wenzl's Victorians class. My reading of "classics" is colored by my early reading, I think, when I devoured everything and loved it without criticism. Maybe I'll have to give those two a whirl. I'm eager to hear your take on WH.

I did just pick up Diane Setterfield's The Thirteenth Tale. I'm not super into the writing or pov, but the first two chapters have drawn me in.

Good Enough Woman said...

Jane Eyre does for me what books did for me when I was young. I just love it.

And I read The Thirteenth Tale a while back, and I liked it. Did you read the Guernsey Potato Peel Pie book? I read it around the same time I read the Setterfield (a Christmas break, I think), and I really enjoyed it.

Amstr said...

I just picked up Wuthering Heights at the used book store today, and I've got the Potato Peel Pie book on request from the library. Thanks for helping with my list, GEW!