Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Moving Quickly

I've been amazed in the past week at how quickly a move can be arranged. We got our 30 days notice on our rental December 1. We signed a lease December 6. On December 8, I booked packers/movers, hired cleaners (for the old place), changed utilities and mail service, and scheduled my parents to come help. We'll get our stuff packed on the 15th, camp out in our new place that night, and then move in on the 16th. We should be completely out of our old place by the 20th. (Now if the landlord will let us end our lease on the 21st, we'd be stoked.)

For this move, the logistics seem to be the easy part. Much harder is explaining to a 3 year old and a one year old what will be happening. The big selling point for my son is that this new house has grass in the back AND the front (we currently have a 3'x3' concrete 'porch' in the front), but he's still uncertain about leaving our neighborhood friends. His only other experience with moving was last December when we moved across the country; we haven't seen his Massachusetts friends since.

We're all a bit frazzled with the speed at which we're moving, and we're still recovering from Thanksgiving and it's accompanying illnesses. We're also a bit fearful of all the changes, even though many of them--like the walkability of the neighborhood--will be positive changes. But we're grateful for our new house and how quickly it has become ours. We hope it becomes our home just as quickly.


Good Enough Woman said...

That's amazing. I get kinda freaked out just reading your post. I often wonder how in the world my mom friends have moved. At all. Let alone twice within a year.

Anonymous said...

Hope you guys get some relaxation time over Christmas.